
Check out many climbing updates, great photos, cool YouTube movies and a lot of interesting facts from the amazing journey of Czech pro-climber Adam Ondra, his projects from the entire world and much more!

Woodsters will be one of the most used climbing holds on any spraywall or board
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My online lead climbing course is officially open again
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Potentially World's Hardest Trad Route - Bon Voyage E12 (9a)
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Watch the new movie Lezci (Climbers) at the Expedition Camera festival
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Climbing World Cup Prague in bouldering is happening again in 2024
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Tips & Tricks Episode 2: How to climb boulders on your peak level
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Enjoy 2 new designs of T-shirts and special Christmas offer by Adam Ondra
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Epic Climbing Trip to Montanejos in Spain
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FA of Hardest Route in Croatia - B je to! 9b
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